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Glan-Laser Prisms
Glan-Laser polarizer is better than Glan-taylor polarizer, it has escape window in its mount, and is suitable for high power application.
>> Specifications
Types a - BBO Calcite
Wavelength range 190-3500nm 350-2300nm
Clear aperture >80%
Surface quality 20 - 10
Dimension tolerance ± 0.1mm
Wavefront distortion λ / 4 @ 632.8nm
Beam deviation < 3 arc mins
Escape window Double
Coating Single layer MgF2 on input and output surface
Damage thresold > IGW / cm 2 at 1064nm for a-BBO
Housing Black anodized aluminum

>> Other Specifications
Wavelength range(nm) 200 - 270 400 - 700 700 - 3000 350 - 2300
Extinction Ratio < 1 × 10-6
< 5 × 10-5
Angular Field 6.0° 7.7°
Clear Aperture Φa(mm) Φ8, Φ10, Φ15, Φ20 Φ8, Φ10, Φ15
Outside Diameter Φd(mm) Φ25.4, Φ25.4, Φ30, Φ38 Φ25.4, Φ25.4, Φ30
L ± 0.1(mm) 30.6, 31, 38.6, 48.9
, 31, 38.6, 48.9
24.7, 25.9, 33, 43.6
24.5, 26.2, 33.3

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